
Thursday, 11 February 2016

New year. New goals.

It's been so long since I've written I almost feel like I've forgotten how to string words together to form a sentence. But it's the new year and one of my goals this year is to blog more often, so here I am!

New year, new goals. Having landed a job just before the year ended last year was a great relief. Some of my biggest worries and headaches last year was not knowing what I wanted to do and the fear of being jobless. But I was incredibly lucky to get the job that I'd hoped for. It's a junior immigration adviser role at one of the best locations in Auckland - Ponsonby! Everyone at the office is really lovely and I'm settling in well. There is free parking within walking distance of my office, which is an extra bonus. There are super hip cafes and restaurants around, which means lunch breaks are a treat. And most importantly, it's a role in which I can learn and progress, with the support of many incredibly talented and experienced people.

Stability is something I'm aiming for this year. Stability. Balance. Routine. Now that I've got a steady stream of income, regular working hours, a clear path (sort of) ahead of me, I am able to focus on other facets of my life more! So, besides working on my career, health is also a top priority. I need a new weekly exercise regime. Jogging, running, Zumba, yoga, hiking, swimming(!), kung fu, hockey, whatever, need to sort it out! Would be nice to participate in a few running events in Auckland this year. Need to start going to the Zumba classes again. Those were so much fun and are also a chance to bond with my sister. Yoga once a week/fortnight for flexibility and strength, and to calm my senses. Hiking, just because New Zealand is such an amazing place to hike in, and it's always great exploring new places, getting in touch with nature.

Food, diet goals this year - Don't have any particular new goals but to keep eating healthy. I should cook and bake and blog more this year though! Last year I baked a lot - mostly for friends' birthdays or for orders, but hardly blogged. This year, I reckon it'd be fun to cook/bake with my boyfriend more often - something we did a lot when we first started dating. Learn to make new dishes, up-skill, expand our horizons! I think last year I didn't really have the urge to make a lot of new dishes, mainly because I was so busy, but also because I wasn't inspired. I didn't read enough blogs/cookbooks. I didn't watch enough tGBBO or food tv. This year I should really up the game!

Another goal this year is to tap into my creativity more. Photography, art, fashion, painting, crafts, whatever. Just do it. Don't be lazy and let my camera go to waste. This means getting out of the house more. Weekends are now freeeeee. So no excuses! I have a tendency to pick up new skills but then don't actually master them. No more being the Jack of all trades. Time to be the Master of all (hahaha). Yeah right... if I can be master of one or two that's already something. But seriously though, one day. One day I'll be the master of baking, photography, soap making, knitting, and all the other random hobbies that I have.

You know something I realized last year - the reason why my room, the kitchen and the garage are so cluttered is because I have so many hobbies. I've got a bag full of yarn in my closet. I've got leftover fabric, paper and cardboard from book-making. The kitchen cupboards (and overflowing into the garage) are filled with my baking utensils and ingredients. And the garage. Haha... I've got my soap-making equipment, chemicals and bottles in there. I've got like ten tea-sets in the garage from the good old Dessert Club days. And the Chinese fans and ribbons from Selwyn College Multicultural Concerts are stuffed in one of the many boxes in that abyss. And because of all these hobbies, I also have a bad habit of not throwing anything away - what if I need that cardboard for...? Or that bottle for...? Decluttering and living a more minimalistic life are also the aim of the game this year. Great start on that goal because I gave away two bags of old clothes yesterday! Learning to let go - those jackets and skirts from Year 12 that I haven't worn in 5 years and obviously won't wear anymore, those can go to better hands. Learn to give more.

Something else related to creativity that I'd like to do this year is to learn to play the guzheng. This was something that I'd wanted to do ever since I was a little girl (well ever since I watched those girls playing it in all those Chinese dramas).  I love the sound of traditional Chinese instruments. There's so much spirit in it, yet it's so calming to the spirit. 

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